La vida es sencilla para que complicarla?

La vida es sencilla para que complicarla?
El Gato Azul

Saturday, April 05, 2008


Pues por curiocidad hice el cuestionario y la vdd, el resultado me sorprendio de ver que en lo general coincide mucho con quien creo que soy.
Una parte de esta:
Your Personality Profile:The results of your personality test determine your personality profile. They show where you stand on scales linking various personality characteristics (e.g. rational vs. emotional, tradition vs. innovation). And, they allow us to describe what these positionings mean, so you are better able to appreciate the seven dimensions which comprise a happy relationship. See for yourself!rationality vs. emotionalityRational people mainly draw on facts for decisions and are particularly quiet, able to analyze and argue logically. Emotional people are more likely to incorporate emotions into their decisions - the solution has to be a "good fit". Sensitivity, empathy and an ability to sense moods mark out their personality.
Your personal profile:balanced, with a tendency towards rationality me rationality emotionality

Rational considerations are important for your decision making. Fairness is your guiding principle. Emotional factors play a lesser part.tradition vs. innovationPeople with a strong inclination towards innovation are open to change and welcome it. People who tend towards tradition desire stability and are wary of change.
Your personal profile:moderate, tending towards high, inclination to innovate me tradition innovation

You strive for change and excitement more than most people. Nevertheless, you do occasionally value the comfort that routine brings.introversion vs. extroversion Extroverts focus their energy outwards, on things and people. Introverts focus their energy inwards, on inner events and states, such as thoughts, perceptions and reactions.
Your personal profile:balanced, with a tendency towards extroversion me introversion extroversion

You seek contact with others and enjoy interaction. Nevertheless, you enjoy time spent by yourself. You unite extrovert and introvert tendencies.individuality vs. adaptabilityAdaptability describes the extent of your ability to orient your behavior towards others. A highly adaptable person is very empathic and values consensus. In contrast, a person with a strong tendency towards individuality does not shy from conflict and is more likely to follow their own guidelines.
Your personal profile:pronounced tendency towards individualism
Bueno les dejo el link ...

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